I Love Hip-Hop Newsletter

Posted on Oct 19, 2020

Find it hard to keep up with Hip Hop News?

  • These days everybody has a lot going on on their plate. With the state of the world as it is, it’s tough.
  • Especially with hip-hop. The amount of new stuff that comes out has reached an incredible volume.

Looking for an easier option?

  • That’s why ILHH exists.
  • It’s short, sweet and to the point. No more than 4-500 words or about 5 minutes worth of time.
  • I go through dozens of websites, social media, YouTube and sound-cloud to bring you the freshest new music.

What do you get?

  • It’s a weekly newsletter, released every monday that summarises what happened the previous week.
  • You’ll get all of the news, new songs, music videos, albums, mixtapes and memes that that came from the week that was.


  • You can subscribe here: